Cloud Computing Career Path: How to Become a Cloud Engineer in 2023?

Cloud Computing Career Path: How to Become a Cloud Engineer in 2023?

The demand for skilled cloud engineers is rapidly increasing as more and more businesses move their operations to the cloud. One who seeks to become a cloud engineer should be aware that a career in cloud engineering offers high growth potential, with salaries consistently ranking among the highest in the tech industry.

How to Become a Cloud Engineer?

In this article, we will explore the steps you can take to become a cloud engineer and succeed in this in-demand field.

The Job Role

So, what exactly does a cloud engineer do? In short, a cloud engineer is responsible for designing, building, and maintaining the cloud-based systems and infrastructure that support an organization’s operations. This includes tasks such as configuring and deploying cloud-based applications, monitoring the performance of cloud systems and troubleshooting any issues that arise.

Cloud engineers also play a crucial role in helping organizations make informed decisions about which cloud provider and services are the best fit for their needs. They must have a strong understanding of the various cloud providers and their offerings, as well as the ability to evaluate the trade-offs between different options.

The Fundamental Requirements

To become a cloud engineer, there are a few fundamental skills and knowledge areas you will need to master. These include:

Virtualization Skills

Virtualization is a key technology used in cloud computing, and as a cloud engineer, you should be familiar with the basics of how it works. This includes understanding the different types of virtualization (e.g., hardware, OS, application), as well as how to create, configure, and manage virtual machines.

Networking Skills

A strong understanding of networking concepts, including IP addressing, routing, and switching, is essential for a cloud engineer. You should be familiar with common protocols such as TCP/IP and be able to configure and troubleshoot network issues.

Operating Systems

Familiarity with a range of operating systems is important for a cloud engineer, as you will likely be working with multiple OSes in a cloud environment. You should be able to install, configure, and troubleshoot issues with systems such as Linux, Windows, and macOS.

Selecting a Cloud Provider

One of the key responsibilities of a cloud engineer is helping organizations choose the right cloud provider for their needs. There are several major players in the cloud market, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Each provider offers a range of services, and it’s important to understand the differences between them and the trade-offs involved.

When selecting a cloud provider, consider factors such as the types of services offered, the pricing model, the level of support provided, and the provider’s track record in terms of uptime and reliability. You should also consider the specific needs of your organization, including any compliance requirements, security concerns, and existing infrastructure.

Programming and Scripting Skills

While it’s not necessary to be a software engineer to become a cloud engineer, it is important to have a solid foundation in programming. This will enable you to write scripts and automate tasks, as well as understand and troubleshoot code that runs in the cloud.

Which programming languages you should learn will depend on the specific cloud provider you are working with. For example, if you are working with AWS, familiarity with Python is a must, as many of the AWS APIs and tools are written in Python. For Azure, familiarity with C# and .NET is important, while GCP favors Go and Java.

In addition to learning specific programming languages, you should also be familiar with basic concepts such as data structures, algorithms, and software design principles.

DevOps Tools

DevOps is a philosophy and set of practices that emphasize collaboration between development and operations teams to improve the speed, quality, and efficiency of software delivery. One of the key tools used in DevOps is automation, which helps streamline the software development process and reduce the potential for errors.

There are many different DevOps tools available, and the specific tools you use will depend on your organization’s needs and the technologies you are working with. Some common DevOps tools include:

Version control systems: Version control systems, such as Git and Subversion, allow developers to track changes to code over time and collaborate on projects with other team members.

Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) tools: CI/CD tools, such as Jenkins and Travis CI, automate the process of building, testing, and deploying code. This helps teams release code faster and with fewer errors.

Configuration management tools: Configuration management tools, such as Ansible and Puppet, automate the process of provisioning and configuring infrastructure and applications. This helps teams ensure that environments are consistently configured and reduce the potential for errors.

Monitoring and logging tools: Monitoring and logging tools, such as New Relic and Splunk, help teams track the performance and reliability of their systems and applications. These tools can alert teams to issues and provide valuable data for troubleshooting and optimization.

By using these and other DevOps tools, teams can improve the speed and efficiency of software delivery, reduce the potential for errors, and improve the overall quality of their systems and applications.

Hands-on Experience

In addition to theoretical knowledge, it’s important to get hands-on experience working with cloud technologies to become a successful cloud engineer. This can be done in several ways:

Internships or co-op positions

Many tech companies offer internship or co-op positions specifically for aspiring cloud engineers. These programs provide an opportunity to get practical experience working with cloud technologies, as well as mentorship and guidance from experienced professionals.

Personal projects

Working on personal projects is a great way to gain hands-on experience with cloud technologies. Consider setting up a personal cloud environment and experimenting with different services and configurations.

Online courses and certifications

There are many online courses and cloud certifications available that provide hands-on experience with cloud technologies. These programs often include labs and hands-on exercises to give you practical experience working with cloud systems.

Here are some online courses and certifications for cloud engineering on AWS, Microsoft Azure, and GCP:


AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate: This certification is designed for individuals who have experience designing distributed applications and systems on the AWS platform.

AWS Certified Developer – Associate: This certification is designed for individuals who have experience developing and maintaining applications on the AWS platform.

AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate: This certification is designed for individuals who have experience operating and managing applications on the AWS platform.

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Certified Azure Developer Associate: This certification is designed for individuals who have experience developing applications using Azure tools and technologies.

Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator Associate: This certification is designed for individuals who have experience designing and implementing solutions on the Azure platform.


Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect: This certification is designed for individuals who have experience designing, developing, and managing solutions on the GCP platform.

In addition to these certifications, there are also many online courses available that can help you gain practical experience with cloud technologies and prepare for certification exams. Some popular options include Udemy, Pluralsight, Coursera, and edX.

Earning Relevant Certifications

Earning relevant certifications is another way to demonstrate your expertise in cloud engineering and can help you stand out in the job market. Each cloud provider offers its own certification programs, which typically require passing an exam to demonstrate your knowledge of the provider’s technologies.

For example, AWS offers a range of certification exams, including the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate, AWS Certified Developer Associate, and AWS Certified SysOps Administrator. Azure offers certifications such as the Microsoft Certified Azure Developer Associate and Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator Associate. GCP offers the Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect certification.


Becoming a cloud engineer requires a combination of technical skills, hands-on experience, and relevant certifications. By mastering the fundamentals of cloud computing, selecting the right cloud provider, learning programming skills, and gaining hands-on experience, you can set yourself up for success in this in-demand field.

With the right knowledge and experience, you can carve out a rewarding career as a cloud engineer and help organizations transition to the cloud.

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